I'm such a nerd
I'm such a nerd. My sister may think she has that market cornered, but I think all she has on me is a CS degree instead of being a business major.
So, yesterday morning as I was sitting (kinda horizontally) on the couch at the institute trying to stay awake before I went to economics, I had a thought that went something like this:
1. The moon has mass --it has a gravitational force.
2. The moons gravitational force has some effect even as far away as the Earth. If not we wouldn't have tides.
3. The moon orbits around the earth.
4. Does the moons orbit and gravitational pull have any effect on the earth's rotation. Or, would the length of a day be different if the moon were not present?
Then, later that day, one of my friends was having some problems with her physics homework. So I looked at it and helped her with a few of the questions she was having problems with. As a business major, I am not sure I should be able to help her with such problems.
Another point is that my camcorder was giving an error that wouldn't clear out. It wouldn't record or do anything because of a Condensation Error. Letting it dry out would not clear it out. Evidently this error is not uncommon for JVC camcorders. What do I do? Take it somewhere for repairs? Nope, I open it up and get the error cleared out, then close it back up. Works fine now. I wonder what my sister will do to try and beat that.
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