

So. I am set to graduate in June (I hope). So now what? As I have been looking around the market and my conclusion is. It is not a good time for me to be looking for work. I mean, with graduating it is a good time, but with the economy going the way it is, there don't seem to be a lot of jobs opening up. One solution -- Grad School. The downside, MBA programs look at work experience and I won't have any real experience between when i graduate and Fall Quarter/Semester. Another problem is application deadlines. They are either here, or approaching fast. It is a little late to be deciding to do this now, but hey, I have done things on much less notice. Nothing this big though. So then where to go. Right now I am thinking of UW. I may not have a shot in the world in going there though. They do have a good looking program. I could continue a focus in International Business too. How sweet is that. WSU has a MBA program, but I am not excited about living on the east of the mountains. WSU Vancouvers program is pretty limited. PSU might be nice. I am getting ahead of myself. I need to study for my EGEO test tomorow, write a talk for Friday Forum, prepare for the GMAT and write a couple papers.


Church Lesson 教会でのレッソン

Yesterday I got to teach the Elders Quorum lesson. I seem to forget that although I don't enjoy public speaking, time tends to go by faster than I think when I am teaching. The lesson was from the pamphlet One for the Money It was a nice lesson about the importance of staying on top of finances. I wanted to show this video at the beginning of the lesson.
昨日、教会の3時間のクラスでレッソンを教える機械があった。皆の前で話すのは苦手だけどレッソンを教えると時間が早かったと感じました。レッソンは教会の「One for the Money]というパンフレットからです。レッソンの始めにこのSNLからのビデオを見せたかった。

Unfortunately, there is no internet at the church and I was unable to find the video in a good format to download or show without the internet. Oh well. This Friday I get to teach again. This time the topic is "Effectively Caring For Others." I am not sure what I will do for that topic. Drat. I guess that's one more thing for me to figure out.

教会にインタネットがないから残念見せなかった。しょうがないね。 今週の金曜日またレッソンを教える機会があります。今回のトピックは「Effectively Caring for Others」です。何を言えばいいか全然わからない。