Once again, I underestimated my power or influence over others. I have had two Facebook groups created regarding me specifically. One arguing I am evil, the other created to counter that. I created neither of them. I have yet to figure out how I can suggest something and people seem to follow it.
More recently, I have managed to create a small blog war. I don't know how influential I was in this battle, but I am deeply involved. So far there have been about five posts between two people in this battle. I am pretty sure the battle can't last for too long. It has only been going on about one week. The goal of the battle is to come up with the most things to thank me about. The longest single list has 55 items on it so far.
Some of my favorite posts are:
3) Thank you Jason not stabbing me tonight
>Like that happens a lot.
41. for not being creepy
> Maybe you just don't know me well enough yet?
5) Thank you Jason living so close
> I guess I won't mention that they were not part of my choice of where to live.
30. for letting me call you Juggins
> Wait... You call me Juggins?? Since when?
5.) Coming to a Greatful Gary's night before
> I am not sure I have made it yet. Maybe I have forgotten. But its nice to be thanked for.
19.) Teaching me how to say "you're welcome" in Japanese
20.) Teaching me how to say "pleas die" in Japanese
> I have been regretting it ever since

> I am glad someone is thankful for this talent. Even though I haven't found it very marketable.

> Its nice that this made it before you knew it wasn't makeup. Sweet
38.) Having your last name spell snigguH backwards
> I only wish I had the audio of this
15) Thank you Jason for texting during our conversation
>Ok. In my defense, I was checking up on someone that has been quite sick to see how she was doing. And I was paying attention to you to29. for activating the shredder with your hamm radio in the clerks officeo.
20) Thank you Jason for inviting people to dinner at my house
>I guess I should admit that I didn't really invite most of them, I delegated.
10) Thank you Jason for supplying the butter finger
>Unfortunately my offer was rejected. Turned down.
29. for activating the shredder with your hamm radio in the clerks office
> That was pretty funny.
Ok. Now I should get back to solving the worlds problems, deciding on getting an MBA, who to ask out (or not to), and watching TV.