
Economics - FHE

FHE on Economics

So, I just got asked to give the lesson for FHE on Monday. I thought about sharing a lesson from General Conference, but I thought maybe I would have a little more fun and use my education (since I don't use it elsewhere yet). That reminded me of a couple fun Youtube videos. One by Yoram Bauman as he explains the principles of economics.

The next video is about game theory. Its from a game show. Now to figure out how to apply these to a lesson to share.




彼女 募集中

My Kind of Girl

What kind of girl should I be looking for? A good one, I think. I guess it is well past time for me to double up my efforts both in finding one and becoming the guy she would like.



最近、どんな女とデートしたらいいかについて考えています。 最近だけではなくてずっと前から考えていますが最近、よく考えています。 今までたくさんいい人と会ったことがありますが、とくにデートしたかった女が少なかった。 それでどんな女とデートしたいかどんな女と結婚したいかについて考えました。 考えるとある経験思い出した。宣教師のとき、教会の後でワードの食事会があって皆が質問をこたえました。宣教師への質問は「伝道の後、どんな女と付き合いたいか」だった。同僚の答えは「美人と付き合いたい」でした。そして私の答えは「若人の強さのためにという教会のパンフレートを進めてることに従う女と付き合いたい」でした。 最近までその経験について考えませんでしたが、最近はまたそれについて考えてどんな女と付き合いたいについていくつかの点ができた。時間がたつとリストが変わるかもしれませんが、今はこんなリストについて考えています。やはり、教会のパンフレートだから教会の教えがいっぱいはいてると思います。(最近、日本語あまり使っていないから、日本語が間違ってるなら許して、教えてください。)

  • 教育が大切  
  • 家族が大事
  • 慎みがある
  • 人々への奉仕が大切
  • 私がいいことをするために助ける
  • 自身を持ってる女 (ほかの人を印象付けるために私とデートしたいわけではないなど)


Car Troubles :(

Coolant leak

A little before finals, I noticed that the car was now smelling like radiator fluid. That seemed less than optimal to me, but not enough to get my focus off of school and graduating. (Oh yeah, I passed all my classes :).

Just before finals, I had to drive up to the stake center (about 20 minutes) for seminary/institute graduation. After I got there, I got out and started to talking to friends in the parking lot and one of them pointed at my car and said oh no. There was a bunch of radiator fluid coming from under my car, onto the parking lot. No good. I stayed extra long to make sure the car had time to cool down and added some water into the overflow tank. I managed to get home fine monitoring the temperature gauge the whole way.

During finals week, I avoided driving as much as I could. Every now and then I would pop the hood and try to see if I could notice anything. The fan came on when I turned the A/C on, so it looked like the fan was not the culprit to making the coolant overflow. Once, it sounded like the cap was leaking, so I replaced it. Then I noticed that the old cap and the new cap did not seem to make a proper seal with the tank. It would screw on a bit, then become loose once you twisted too far.

Finally, after finals, I got a recommendation for a repair shop in town from my uncle who lives up here. The last place I went to in town wanted about $900 for something that the next shop back in Longview said did not need to be done and could be fixed for $40. I liked The Panacea. They were strait forward about what they were going to do and what it would cost. They talked to me as though I had useful information and was smart enough to be involved.

The end result... ... The coolant tank needed to be replaced. The one that was on it was a non standard tank. Then the testing showed that the heater core was leaking, luckily the head gasket was OK or so it seems. The heater core costs less than $100, but the installation takes all day and brings the total cost up to near $700.

They said i could try to use some leak stopper to slow the leaking, or possibly have someone put the heater core input directly to the output to bypass the heater core and cut out the leaking. As it is, I should avoid using the heat (evidently breathing coolant isn't that great).


Being Late is Costly

Oh so Costly

For economics class we have a presentation. Not a normal presentation, a poster presentation. Instead of standing in front of the class and going through a PowerPoint presentation, we have to design a poster and present it to the class as they walk around asking us questions. Its a new thing for most of us in the class and a cause of great stress to many, including myself. As luck would have it the school offers poster size printing for free to students upon instructor request and students reserving a time to print. Problem one. I have no idea what I am doing, so I threw some stuff together proceeding slowly since I am trying to figure out what to do. Problem two. The print office didn't get the teacher's request for printing rights for our class, so he had to resubmit it. (Not that I was ready anyways). Problem three. I didn't sign up for a time early, since I had no idea when I would actually finish doing something I have never done before. Problem. I called to see about getting a time to print it, the schools print services are no longer scheduling appointments to print. This leaves me with few options. I went to Kinko's. Kinko's was reluctant to take the job telling me they wanted more time, but they could put the job in with a note that I would pick it up early (with a specific time). Not my most desired thing to hear, since they didn't seem to encouraged that it would be done. I went to one other place to check them out, but the guy in front of me asked about printing posters, and they didn't have anywhere near the right sizes, so back to Kinko's it was. After going through the hassle of hearing how bad I was for procrastinating, the bill came out to be $72 before taxes. Quite a price to pay for being slow this once, but I don't have too many options. I need to pass the class. The poster presentation is a large part of our grade. I guess $72 is not a lot to pay if it means that I can graduate, just seems like a lot when it is an unexpected expense.


So Close

So Close

8 Days. 8 Days until I am done with school. People keep asking if I am excited or what not. I am glad that I will be finishing up with a bachelors degree, but I am not sure I am ready for what comes next. What does come next? Well, I have no job yet, so, yeah. I guess maybe that is why I am not sure I am ready to be done with school.

In other news, I am supposed to go on a blind date with a girl I have been told would become my future wife. I am not sure she knows that the girls that know her and me have said such high hopes for the two of us. No pressure though. Yeah.

Also rapidly approaching, my birthday. I guess I am having a joint birthday party. There is a girl up here that has the same birthday as I do, but on a different year (she is younger). The joint birthday party does not include her yet though. My birthday is being paired up with one a couple days after mine. I think it will be planned by the same set of people that planned mine last year, so it could prove to be quite fun.



So. I am set to graduate in June (I hope). So now what? As I have been looking around the market and my conclusion is. It is not a good time for me to be looking for work. I mean, with graduating it is a good time, but with the economy going the way it is, there don't seem to be a lot of jobs opening up. One solution -- Grad School. The downside, MBA programs look at work experience and I won't have any real experience between when i graduate and Fall Quarter/Semester. Another problem is application deadlines. They are either here, or approaching fast. It is a little late to be deciding to do this now, but hey, I have done things on much less notice. Nothing this big though. So then where to go. Right now I am thinking of UW. I may not have a shot in the world in going there though. They do have a good looking program. I could continue a focus in International Business too. How sweet is that. WSU has a MBA program, but I am not excited about living on the east of the mountains. WSU Vancouvers program is pretty limited. PSU might be nice. I am getting ahead of myself. I need to study for my EGEO test tomorow, write a talk for Friday Forum, prepare for the GMAT and write a couple papers.


Church Lesson 教会でのレッソン

Yesterday I got to teach the Elders Quorum lesson. I seem to forget that although I don't enjoy public speaking, time tends to go by faster than I think when I am teaching. The lesson was from the pamphlet One for the Money It was a nice lesson about the importance of staying on top of finances. I wanted to show this video at the beginning of the lesson.
昨日、教会の3時間のクラスでレッソンを教える機械があった。皆の前で話すのは苦手だけどレッソンを教えると時間が早かったと感じました。レッソンは教会の「One for the Money]というパンフレットからです。レッソンの始めにこのSNLからのビデオを見せたかった。

Unfortunately, there is no internet at the church and I was unable to find the video in a good format to download or show without the internet. Oh well. This Friday I get to teach again. This time the topic is "Effectively Caring For Others." I am not sure what I will do for that topic. Drat. I guess that's one more thing for me to figure out.

教会にインタネットがないから残念見せなかった。しょうがないね。 今週の金曜日またレッソンを教える機会があります。今回のトピックは「Effectively Caring for Others」です。何を言えばいいか全然わからない。


Temple Trip

So this morning we had an Elders Quorum temple trip planned. It had been planned and announced all this last month. In the end, two of us showed up and went to the temple.
We decided since it was just the two of us, we would do something other than an endowment session and when we got there, we went for doing sealings. It took a little while to get in with a group that could use a couple extra guys. (I guess our ward is the only one that has a shortage of guys going to the temple.)
Well it seemed every one we saw mentioned how the two of us need to get married. Not just stating that we need to get married, but that we need to get married soon. I thought that I was getting that enough from members of the ward, but now sealers and temple workers too.
On a good note, a temple sealer recognized me, so I guess that means I am attending fairly regularly. On the flip side, that means that he sees me enough to give me a hard time about still being single.


I'm such a nerd

I'm such a nerd. My sister may think she has that market cornered, but I think all she has on me is a CS degree instead of being a business major. So, yesterday morning as I was sitting (kinda horizontally) on the couch at the institute trying to stay awake before I went to economics, I had a thought that went something like this: 1. The moon has mass --it has a gravitational force. 2. The moons gravitational force has some effect even as far away as the Earth. If not we wouldn't have tides. 3. The moon orbits around the earth. 4. Does the moons orbit and gravitational pull have any effect on the earth's rotation. Or, would the length of a day be different if the moon were not present? Then, later that day, one of my friends was having some problems with her physics homework. So I looked at it and helped her with a few of the questions she was having problems with. As a business major, I am not sure I should be able to help her with such problems. Another point is that my camcorder was giving an error that wouldn't clear out. It wouldn't record or do anything because of a Condensation Error. Letting it dry out would not clear it out. Evidently this error is not uncommon for JVC camcorders. What do I do? Take it somewhere for repairs? Nope, I open it up and get the error cleared out, then close it back up. Works fine now. I wonder what my sister will do to try and beat that.


Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!

I think I am getting sick. And I am not just using this as an excuse to not do anything on Valentines Day. Ok, maybe I am using it as an excuse, but I am not making it up to use as an excuse.

One of my friends has been sick the past few days and I gave her rides a few times to places she needed to get to. She was pretty sick, I am no where near as sick as she was (at least not yet).

Anyways, her boyfriend was out of town for a wedding this weekend and wanted to give her flowers. (They had just barely gotten back together so he had made plans to go over some time ago when he was single.) Through a series of events I was given the task to pick up the flowers on while taking her home yesterday. After a little bit of driving around to find the flower shop, I went in and picked up the flowers. Great. Looked good. Had a card to her, so there would be no confusion over who they were from. Great.

As I was walking back to the car thinking how great this was and how she really needed to get home and into bed (also a little bit of a though on how I should have filled up with gas earlier) a woman (with a man in tow) said "She is going to love them."

It took me a second to realize what was going on, but somewhere in town, there is a woman that thinks I could be a great boyfriend, because I picked up flowers for a friends girlfriend. Its great. I did have to pay or anything.

p.s. Matt just came out with a list of 104 Thank you Jasons all regarding this mornings service project.





Blog Wars

Once again, I underestimated my power or influence over others. I have had two Facebook groups created regarding me specifically. One arguing I am evil, the other created to counter that. I created neither of them. I have yet to figure out how I can suggest something and people seem to follow it. More recently, I have managed to create a small blog war. I don't know how influential I was in this battle, but I am deeply involved. So far there have been about five posts between two people in this battle. I am pretty sure the battle can't last for too long. It has only been going on about one week. The goal of the battle is to come up with the most things to thank me about. The longest single list has 55 items on it so far.

Some of my favorite posts are:

3) Thank you Jason not stabbing me tonight

>Like that happens a lot.

41. for not being creepy

> Maybe you just don't know me well enough yet?

5) Thank you Jason living so close

> I guess I won't mention that they were not part of my choice of where to live.

30. for letting me call you Juggins

> Wait... You call me Juggins?? Since when?

5.) Coming to a Greatful Gary's night before

> I am not sure I have made it yet. Maybe I have forgotten. But its nice to be thanked for.

19.) Teaching me how to say "you're welcome" in Japanese 20.) Teaching me how to say "pleas die" in Japanese

> I have been regretting it ever since


> I am glad someone is thankful for this talent. Even though I haven't found it very marketable.


> Its nice that this made it before you knew it wasn't makeup. Sweet

38.) Having your last name spell snigguH backwards

> I only wish I had the audio of this

15) Thank you Jason for texting during our conversation

>Ok. In my defense, I was checking up on someone that has been quite sick to see how she was doing. And I was paying attention to you to29. for activating the shredder with your hamm radio in the clerks officeo.

20) Thank you Jason for inviting people to dinner at my house

>I guess I should admit that I didn't really invite most of them, I delegated.

10) Thank you Jason for supplying the butter finger

>Unfortunately my offer was rejected. Turned down.

29. for activating the shredder with your hamm radio in the clerks office

> That was pretty funny.

Ok. Now I should get back to solving the worlds problems, deciding on getting an MBA, who to ask out (or not to), and watching TV.


Communication Drill

Ok. So we had the drill tonight. We did, well, I don't know how we did. I am sure we did better than last time, but we still have a ways to go. We got more people and got them in half the time. Good. What I don't know is how many people tried, but weren't able to check in. To me, that will be a larger measure of how well we did. I know a couple of areas need help, but with only 6 hams trying to cover people that cover the whole county, it can be hard to arrange something.
As it is, we divided the area up into 11 zones, groups, ships, pods or whatever you want to call it. Each one has a captain. Each captain tries to come in contact with everyone in that zone. Then one of the 6 hams contacts the captain to get a report and then they report it to the other hams for record keeping. We ended up with all the Hams checking in and were able to maintain good contact between them, but only between 10% and 15% of people overall were checked in. I know of one so far that was trying, but unable to check in. We also had outside help contacting two people.
Now the task is to figure out how to arrange things so more people are covered.

The results are in ... I hate geography

Today I got the results back from two of my tests. I was happy with my Topics in International Business test results, but my Geography of the World Economy test didn't go over quite as well. I hate first tests in classes because I never know how much to study for them. Don't worry, I passed both tests, but the Geography one was one of the lowest scores I have ever gotten. Atleast now I know what to expect for the next test. Now its time to get ready for my Economics of Canada test and the emergency communication drill tonight.



Its that time of year again. Taxes. It may surprise anyone who knows me, but I actually did my taxes before the deadline. Actually, I usually do. Unlike all the other tasks that I have to do, I do my taxes as soon as I can. This year I am getting a little return, but I have already started looking for new toys that I can play with. Well mostly used toys on e-bay, but they would be new to me. Now, I need to figure out if I need to fill out a FAFSA. Hopefully I will be graduated at the end of the school year, but with the way the economy is doing, I may want to jump back into school ASAP. Too bad MBA programs want me to go out and work for at least 2 years before applying. Time to get back to school work.