Lost Keys
Lost Keys
Starting in the fall, I will be going to a new University. I have already decided on the school, but had not visited the campus until last week. Last Friday the University had an orientation meeting to introduce new students to the campus. i went with three of my friends who will also start there in the fall.
It takes about 5 hours to get there from here if you speed. The orientation started about 9 am, so we went up the night before and stayed overnight. We planned ahead and had reservations in order. There were no real issues getting up there.
The orientation was a little boring, but we learned quite a bit about the university and what classes we should take. At about 3 pm we decided to walk around the campus and check it all out. We headed to the car to drop off all the books and fliers we had gotten, but when we arrived we found that we had lost the keys.
We all started searching for the keys, but were unable to find them. We walked all around campus again, searched the rooms we had been to, visited the lost and found office. No luck. They were no where to be found. It was about 4 pm by then.
We started calling friends and parents. After about 30 minutes a campus police officer came by and talked with us a little bit. He suggested we call a locksmith to get the car rekeyed. Calling one up revealed that the key was a special key that they could not make. The second locksmith said they could make it, but it would take a while and cost around $400. Since it was expensive, we put that choice off, looking for another option. We thought a car dealership might be able to do it, but it was already 5 pm by then and they had closed.
It was really hot, so that morning we left the windows cracked a little bit. The girls took a long skinny stick and managed to get the door unlocked, but that set off the alarm. We popped the hood and pulled the fuse to quiet it.
At about 8 pm a call came from the insurance company to tell us they were looking for a locksmith for us. After about 30 minutes they called back telling us that they couldn't find a locksmith to do it, but a tow truck could take us to the dealership in the next town. It would take an hour and a half to get to us, but it would be on its way. The dealership would be open tomorow to make us a new key. We decided to wait with the car for the tow truck. We had been there for quite some time so we were getting hungry. We decided on ordering pizza and had it delivered to the parking lot.
After an hour and a half of waiting another call came in. Once again the insurance company. They called to see if the tow truck had arrived yet. It had not. They checked in and found out that the truck ran into an accedent and was delayed with that, but would be ready for us in about 30 minutes.
Thirty minutes later, another call from the insurance company, still no tow truck. This time they were on the other side of campus looking for us or something, but it would take 30 minutes to get back to us. Thirty minutes passed and we had waited now about two and a half hours for a tow truck making it a bit after 11 pm. Calling the tow truck company and talking with them directly revealed they decided to tow us to the dealership in town which would not open until Monday. We could not wait there until Monday, so they told us they could do it tomorow, but not tonight. Since we thought we were going to be in another town for the night, we didn't make any reservations.
The security office called a cab for us and helped us find a hotel with vacancies. When the taxi came we grabbed our bags and walked towards the door, but by the time we got there he had taken off. They called the taxi again and got it to come back and wait for us this time.
The hotel was spendy, but it was a really nice place. We ended up falling asleep sometime around 1 am. At about 6:30 a call came in to wake us up and tell us the dealership would close at 1 so we needed to hurry and get up. The tow truck was setup to pick us up at 9 to go to the dealership. I usually wake up early, so when the call came I got up, showered, and got some breakfast for everyone. I think everyone else promptly fell back asleep.
The tow truck arived about 9:10. Finally something working out for us.
We arrived at the dealership with the car in tow about 11 am. They said it would be done around noon. Today was definately going better than yesterday. Since we had about 1 hour to wait, I thought about taking a quick nap in the waiting room, but everyone wanted to check out the new cars. That ended up being quite fun. At noon the keys hadn't been finished yet. Well they had made a key, but it wasn't quite right and took a lot of effort to use. The dealership offered us a free loaner car. We took it and got home.
Now we probably need to go back sometime this week and get the car back.